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Started in 1966 and incorporated as a non-profit in 2010, the New Orleans Academic Games League has challenged thousands of area students to achieve higher learning through competition. Following the mission of its parent organization Academic Games Leagues of America (AGLOA), the New Orleans Academic Games League (NOAGL) is dedicated to developing “Thinking Kids” of character, integrity, and excellence.

WHO makes up NOAGL?
Students and educators from schools in Orleans, Jefferson, and St. Charles Parishes belong to the organization. Over 300 students in Grades 4 through 12 from twenty-four member schools competed in the New Orleans Academic Games League during the 2019-2020 school year. Students compete in a division determined by their grade level.

  • Elementary: Grade 6 and below
  • Middle: Grade 8 and below
  • Junior: Grade 10 and below
  • Senior: Grade 12 and below

WHAT games are played?
Mathematics, language arts, and social studies are the core subjects of the games. NOAGL offers competitions in Equations, On-Sets, Propaganda, Presidents, and Current Events. These games teach:

  • Equations – Mathematics using the six basic operations in the beginning which advances to sophisticated math learned at the high school and college levels
  • On-Sets – Set Theory mathematics using operations such as intersection and union to improve and-or logic skills
  • Propaganda – Recognition of various techniques of persuasion used in advertisements, campaigns, and normal human interaction
  • Presidents – Knowledge of the cultural and political events of the U.S. presidents
  • Current Events* – Historically significant events in the news each calendar year (*Current Events competitions can be hosted by interested member schools.)

WHEN are the competitions held?
Academic Games competitions are held after school throughout the year. Propaganda and Equations competitions are held in the fall. Presidents and On-Sets competitions take place in the spring. The top players qualify to compete in the annual AGLOA National Tournament.

WHY should you participate?
Players often learn and apply important concepts in core curriculum subjects before they are taught in school. However, it is not enough to know the subject matter (though the more a player knows, the better the player will be). Participants develop critical thinking skills as strategy is a key component in each game. As a result, they develop courage, character, and poise in applying their knowledge while competing against opponents. Along with becoming a better student academically, competitors learn the value of hard work and cooperating with teammates. A large part of Academic Games is developing students’ into knowledgeable and responsible members of society.

WHERE can you find out more?
For more information, visit us online at NOAGL.org or contact us.